Membership into the Zenkoku Ryukyu Te Kenkyukai is open to all individuals with an interest in classical Okinawan martial arts, and the study of our system of Ryukyu Te Kempo Jutsu is not required. All members are invited to share their experiences and train at any recognized dojo. For more information about joining the ZRTK, please complete this form.
PLEASE NOTE: Regardless of previous experience or rank prior to joining the Zenkoku Ryukyu Te Kenkyukai, absolutely no certifications in the art of Ryukyu Te Kempo Jutsu or Goju Ryu Karate DO will be awarded without in-person study with a ZRTK certified instructor. The ZRTK serves as a training and research organization to introduce those who are interested in classical Okinawan martial arts. Prospective members must be willing to travel, train and put their time in before they are eligible for certification with no exceptions.