The mission of the Zenkoku Ryukyu Te Kenkyukai is to promote classical Okinawan warrior arts. Therefore, you do not need to study our system in order to become a member. Our style for those who are interested, Ryukyu Te Kempo Jutsu, is not a unique art but rather a hozoin ryu (preservation style). The primary influences of our curriculum are Nakamura Shigeru's Okinawan Kempo and Goju Ryu Karate, however, in an effort to provide a well-rounded understanding of Uchinadi, Ryukyu Te Kempo Jutsu features kata from all three major Uchinadi lineages (Shuri, Naha and Tomari). The official kata list taught in Ryukyu Te Kempo Jutsu is as follows:
Mudansha Kata
Yudansha Kata
Supplemental Kata (Optional)
The official ZRTK rank structure above is used in both Ryukyu Te Kempo Jutsu and Goju Ryu Karate Do